The Writer’s Planner by Quill and Tome

If you are serious about finding success as a writer, this planner should be your first go-to resource!

Some of the awesome things included in The Writer’s Planner:

Organize your author business and achieve your goals by using the goal setting and writing tracker sections

Un-dated weekly and monthly pages, so you can start using the planner as soon as possible

Plenty of white space allows you to manage your daily tasks, whether that includes family commitments, content creation, or marketing endeavors.

Writing tips, prompts, and much more!

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Kids Have Questions, Too! What Does the U.S. Constitution Say?

Most people have heard about the U.S. Constitution.

But do you know what it actually says?

What it means for you?

The four pages of the U.S. Constitution shaped history, and it is so important that we understand it.

Based on pure, unbiased facts, this book explains what is laid out in the U.S. Constitution in a way that kids can understand.

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What Does the U.S. Constitution Say? book

Worksheets and Courses

Our expanding library of writing resources includes a selection of tools to assist writers in world-building, and fictional character and plot development.
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Learn how to fit writing into your life, regardless if you are a stay-at-home mom, working full-time, or own your own business!