What Does the U.S. Constitution Say?

By M.J. Slate

Most people have heard about the U.S. Constitution.
But do you know what it actually says?
What it means for you?

The four pages of the U.S. Constitution shaped history, and it is so important that we understand it.
Based on pure, unbiased facts, this book explains what is laid out in the U.S. Constitution in a way that kids can understand.

What Does the U.S. Constitution Say? book

Even the youngest kids are full of questions that deserve to be answered.

Older kids can read this on their own.

Parents can read this book with their younger kids.

Adults can even gain some valuable insight into America’s Constitution.

What Does the U.S. Constitution Say? is the first book in the series “Kids Have Questions, Too!” by Author M.J. Slate.

See What People Are Saying

“Thank you for breaking down such a difficult document for kids to understand.”


“This book will be a great asset for anyone interested in understanding the Constitution.”

Sarah, Homeschool Mom of 3

“I love the glossary at the end. It will be a great supplemental text for my students!”

Becky, 3rd Grade teacher

“I like that the book sticks to what the Constitution says with no bias. It is straight forward, but still interesting.”


Series: Kids Have Questions, Too!

Author: M.J. Slate