This Is Why I Write
Writer's Desk

This Is Why I Write

The other day, someone asked me, yet again, why I write. When I first came across this question, I didn’t know the answer. I didn’t know my WHY and my writing never really went anywhere. It took me a long time to understand, but for the first time, I was actually able to give an answer.

One of my very first memories is my mom picking me up from preschool when I was about three or four. She asked me what we did in school that day. Sighing, I told her “We learned how to write our name.” I remember being so bored with the concept because I already knew how to write my name and I wanted something more challenging. I wanted to learn how to write stories and things that mattered, not just my name.

Growing up, I was always the kid who looked forward to English class and anytime we had any sort of writing project. I wrote for my school paper, I submitted stories to several contests, and my friends always asked me to proofread their papers before turning them in, so much so, my 10th grade English teacher even dubbed me as the “Grammar Queen”. I enjoyed writing, but the writing didn’t become a priority in my life until after I got married and became a mom.

Why I Write – The Turning Point

I grew up in a house full of books. It has been a part of me and my life for as long as I can remember, and I want the same for my daughter. I want her to grow up reading and gaining all the benefits it will give her. At almost five years old, she reads as much as I do and her book collection rivals mine. A year and a half ago, we added a little boy to our growing family and he loves to read even more than his sister. Honestly, it makes my heart so happy to see them love to read.

As my daughter has gotten older, her desire for books that challenge her has grown. She is still young enough that she enjoys the pictures in a picture book but craves a more complex story. After searching high and low, we have found there are not very many options that bridge the gap between picture books and chapter books. She quickly devours everything we can find – over and over again, I might add. When it seemed that there were no more to be found, I did the only thing I could do. I decided I would write one for her.

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This is Why I Write

Writing has always come fairly naturally to me, but I never actually finished writing a book until I took on this project. I now have several books in the works that are set to come out sometime over the next eight months. This is my calling. I still love to write nonfiction and even have a few novels in the works. However, encouraging kids to find the books they enjoy and help them develop a love of reading – that is my mission. Showing my kids, and others, that you really can make a career by doing what you love – that is my purpose. This is why I write.

Over to You

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Write On,

Meaghan and the Team at Quill and Tome

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