Now, to Write...
Writer's Desk

Now, to Write…

The other day, someone asked me what my mornings looked like as a writer who has two little kids at home, and it inspired me to write this short poem.

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At first, though, I was tempted to say something negative, like unproductive, hectic, and frustrating.  Which, on occasion, is entirely true.  However, sometimes, it’s wonderful.  I get to spend my mornings doing things that I love.  On some days, that is reading and writing (and occasionally exercise), and on other days, it is cuddling with my little boy who woke up super early or putting my house back in order after my toddler decided to have a tea party on the living room floor in the middle of the night.

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I love my job as a writer, but I also love my job as a mom.  Some days I will feel overwhelmed and get absolutely nothing done for my writing or my business.  Other days, I will purposely take off from my job to spend time enjoying life with my family.  I know I am very lucky to have the kind of career where I can do that.  I also know that life is short, and I have to take advantage of the time that is given to me.

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This is the poem that I wrote that day.  It was one of those days that I did not get much writing done. 

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Now, to Write…

The house…

A tornado must have come through last night.

Oh, no…

The toddler just decided to wake up and play in the middle of the night.

Okay, the toddler is back in bed.

I need coffee…

There, that’s better.

Now, to write…

Nope, Husband is home from the night shift.

He goes to bed,

Now, to write…

Nope, now the dog is crying.

He goes outside,

Now, to write…

Nope, there are so many emails and messages.

No, no, no!

This is your writing time!

Okay, back to writing…

Nope, now the baby is up.

Guess I’ll try again tomorrow.

Now, where is my coffee?

Over To You

Hopefully, you found this helpful.

I hope this poem brings a smile to your face and would love to know what you think of it.  Feel free to post your comments or even a response in the comments!

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